What a day today has been. We had to go through the same exit process as if we had been here for two years. I think the Peace Corps is the most organized organization I have ever been a participant in, ever. They took such good care of us and all the way have been caring, considerate and understanding. Steve and i have brainstormed so many ideas. What does one do when one thinks about fulfilling a dream and then the dream must change? It is kind of fun to think that everything is taken care of for us and we can go, go, go! We are first going to see our kids and grandkids and moms, maybe rent a place on the Cape for a month and then go to Labrador for a two month car trip, a trip we have always wanted to take. Two seniors silverheads off to who knows where.
If anyone is ever interested in coming to work in Uganda, they could use all of us. Today we went to the B'Hai Temple, a journey on a dirt road that made the Prosper Road in the worst of three combined seasons look grand. This country needs roads, food, balanced diet and so many health and personal welfare issues. Steve and I are thinking about an idea already. Sula Bulungi....Good Night in Lugandan language and yes, we had awesome language training from marvelous teachers in very small groups.